This weekend we had a great weekend at our church's fall retreat at Camp Doniphan. We played games, took walks in the woods, looked at the pretty lake and Courtney got tons of attention! We started her on rice cereal about a week and a half ago and finally on Friday she started opening her mouth for it and liking it! We were so proud of her! Before she would only squeeze her lips shut and grunt. Tonight she was so happy she was cooing and babbling and blowing raspberries, which only made the cereal go everywhere, but it was so cute!
Playing with all her church friends.

And here she is liking it and helping mom with the spoon!
We are transitioning Courtney out of the swaddle and she can now roll over with that hand out! This is how she took her first "free arm" nap...I thought it would be scary when she slept on her tummy, but it was too cute!