Last weekend we went to Stewartsville to the Fall Festival. I wasn't sure what rides, etc. Courtney would be able to participate in, but we definitely know she loved the bounce house! She could have stayed in there for an hour! I also took about 100 pics while she was in there, but here are 4 plus a video.

Uncle Patrick took off with Courtney to let her walk around. When we found them, he had bought her a bunch of tickets to play games with her and win her giant inflatable toys! Thanks krickkrick (how Courts says Patrick).
Finally coaxing her out of the bouncy house.

One of the games she was able to play was the duck game (I'm sure that's its official name).
Uncle Patrick took off with Courtney to let her walk around. When we found them, he had bought her a bunch of tickets to play games with her and win her giant inflatable toys! Thanks krickkrick (how Courts says Patrick).
One of the games she was able to play was the duck game (I'm sure that's its official name).