Ryan is 9 months old! He weighs 17 lbs 6 oz (7th %ile) and is in the 10th % for height. Even though he is a tiny guy, we get all kinds of remarks from people about how well fed and fat he looks! The doctor was completely fine with his weight and weight gain, so if she is fine, I'm fine! Ryan has started cruising. I even caught him standing all alone a few times! He likes to play with his big kitchen and pull up toys that make lots of noises. I started him on table food (bananas, bits of bread, carrots). Soon we will add more fruits, yogurt and whatever else we can think of! The kid LOVES to eat! I am still pumping 3 times a day at school and some days its hard to make enough, so after a long time thinking about it, we started him on one bottle of formula a day. I LOVE our time together to feed, but I sure am counting down the days until I get to stop pumping at work.
Ryan still has NO teeth. I was for sure he was working on some right before Thanksgiving, but no. I though so again last week, but no. I recently heard that that the later teeth come in, the better they are. Hopefully thats the case.
Here is how monthly photo shoots go at our house. Momma gets everything set and in position with the camera. Dad readies himself with Cheerios. I tuck Courtney behind me to be silly and make Ryan laugh. On "go" Dad places Ryan in position with a few Cheerios. Courtney makes him laugh. Momma gets a few shots. Ryan crawls away. Daddy grabs Ryan.
Dad places Ryan in position with a few Cheerios. Courtney makes him laugh. Momma gets a few shots. Ryan crawls away. Daddy grabs Ryan.
Dad places Ryan in position with a few Cheerios. Courtney makes him laugh. Momma gets a few shots. Ryan crawls away. Daddy grabs Ryan. This goes on until momma is happy with a few shots.

I love this sweet boy!