Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Courtney turns 11 months tomorrow and this past month has been all about exploring her world! She has found many new play places around our house (which led us to finally have to babyproof the kitchen). Once we put a gate up to prohibit her from the front hall, she made a beeline for the kitchen. Take a look at what she found! The pantry...

The table and chairs...
and a draw of her very own! We created this drawer for her a while ago and it only led to her exploring all the other cabinets...
We left this cabinet "unbabyproofed" since it was just tupperware and she thinks its fun!Ashley came for a visit (in her cute hat!) on a beautiful January day! Can't say that very often!
We visited grandma and grandpa in Joplin. It must have been a quick visit since this was the only picture I got.
We visited Megan at MU for dinner and a little playtime at Meg's apartment.
Courtney is eating a ton of table food now and I gave her a whole strawberry just to see what she would do. She gnawed on it for quite a while, but would also shudder every now and then from it sourness - but went back for more!
Last weekend was GORGEOUS weather for February so we had a meal outside. Courtney just sat on this blanket and munched on her food for about 20 minutes. I wish she would sit that still inside!

We have had this car toy for awhile, but it wasn't getting much use so I stored it in the basement. I just got it out thinking Courtney might start to practice walking on it. This is literally her second push around the living room and we grabbed the camera. I thought it was hilarious how quick she had to walk to keep up! You might also notice our barricade into the kitchen and tv of the coffee table, ottoman and carseat:)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Love those walkers! Emerson is still "practicing" on hers- now if only they could learn how to turn around!!!!